Sometimes it IS simple…

God’s plan for us is actually so simple that many times we miss it. We tend to look for something more complicated–something more difficult–that we are expected to do to please God. Jesus told us what we are to do–“Believe”. Doubt brings in, among other things, confusion. It causes us to speak doubtful or negative words. Believing, on the other hand, releases joy and leaves us free to enjoy life while He is taking care of our circumstances. It sounds too simple and a little too good to be true–that’s why many people never enter into the plan. When Jesus said that whatever we ask of God, believing, will be granted us, He was saying that we will receive it as a gift. The only thing we need to do is accept it graciously and with a thankful heart. Faith is not a PRICE that buys God’s blessings. That price was paid for us by Jesus. “Jesus replied, This is the work that God asks of you: that you believe.” John 6:29 God Bless.

About byroney39

I wanted to share some of my thoughts regarding Love, Acceptance, Joy and Peace. If I can help someone, then I shall.
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